Eco Efficiency
- Reduce up to 95% of conventional fertilizer. This preserves environment from nitrous oxide pollution that is currently over contributing to greenhouse effect (climate change)
- Reduce other chemical such as stimulant, pesticide and herbicide to reduce pollutions such as soil and ground water.

Cost Effectiveness
- Reduce agrochemical expenditure by at least 25%
- Increase plantation revenue by optimize yield quality and quantity
- Simplify handling such as application method, warehouse and logistic.

- Maximize productivity period and reduce replanting
- Prevent and treat disease
Some of the trunk application method


Natural Rubber


Save Chemical, Save Environment
Conventional methods of plant nutrition depend upon fertilization through soil (broadcasting, splitting, dressing and fertigation). Previous studies proved that only a small portion of soil-added fertilizers is taken up by plant roots, especially those grown under sandy soil conditions, where high permeability allows fast leaching of fertilizers to underground water1
Another portion of soil fertilizers is lost by volatilization, especially nitrogen. The lost portion of nitrogen was estimated to be as high as 62- 85% of the added fertilizers2. Fixation of other nutrients like phosphorus and micronutrients in the form of low dissolved compounds in the soil is responsible for an- other portion of the added fertilizers to be less available for absorption by the plant roots3.
GroYield in house R&D projects have successfully fertilized different plants using Complete Nutritional Liquid Fertilizer directly through the xylem such as rubber tree, oil palm, durian, coconut, mango and etc. This method can save fertilizers lost through soil application and to keep underground water free from chemicals.
- Halliday DJ, Trenkel ME (1992) IFA World Fertilizer Use Manual, International Fertilizer Industry Association, Paris, 632 pp
- Dixon RC (2003) Foliar fertilization improves nutrient use efficiency. Fluid Journal Winter 2003, 1-2
- Horesh I, Levy Y (1981) Response of iron deficient citrus trees to foliar iron sprays with low surface tension surfactant. Scientia. Horticulturae 15, 227- 233
- Mahmoud M. Shaaban (2009) Injection Fertilization: A Full Nutritional Technique for Fruit Trees Saves 90-95% of Fertilizers
and Maintains a Clean Environment. 2009 Global Science Books
The Essential Nutrients for Plants
Nitrogen helps plants make the proteins they need to produce new tissues. In nature, nitrogen is often in short supply so plants have evolved to take up as much nitrogen as possible, even if it means not taking up other necessary elements.
Phosphorus stimulates root growth, helps the plant set buds and flowers, improves vitality and increases seed size
Potassium improves overall vigor of the plant. It helps the plants make carbohydrates and provides disease resistance. It also helps regulate metabolic activities.
Calcium is used in plant cell membranes, at the growing points and to neutralize toxic materials.
Magnesium is the only metallic component of chlorophyll. Without it, plants can’t process sunlight.
Sulphur is the component of many proteins.
Boron helps cell wall formation and stability, maintenance of structural and functional integrity of biological membranes, movement of sugar or energy into growing parts of plants, and pollination and seed set. It is also required for effective nitrogen fixation and nodulation.
Copper activates some enzymes in plants which are involved in lignin synthesis and it is essential in several enzyme systems. It is also required in the process of photosynthesis, is essential in plant respiration and assists in plant metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Copper also serves to intensify flavor and color in vegetables and color in flowers.
Iron mostly to help the plant move oxygen through its system. Plants only need a tiny amount of iron to be healthy, but that small amount is crucial.
Molybdenum helps nitrogen assimilation. It is also important to potassium absorption. Molybdenum uses in other plants increase plant health and growth.
Zinc is a key constituent of many enzymes and proteins. It plays an important role in a wide range of processes, such as growth hormone production and internode elongation.
Selenium helps for developing stress tolerance in plants.
Manganese is a major contributor to various biological systems including photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen assimilation. Manganese is also involved in pollen germination, pollen tube growth, root cell elongation and resistance to root pathogens.