Palm Oil

The oil palm tree is the source of good grade oil used as cooking oil, to produce food products, detergents and cosmetics. The recent technology has also made the Palm Kernel Shells (PKS) to become by-product in the production of palm oil and is commonly used in the natural biomass energy industry.

According to World Wildlife (WWF), global production of and demand for palm oil is increasing rapidly and the speedy growth of palm oil plantation has brought unintended negative impacts to our mother earth including forest, air, soil, water and climate.

GroYield anticipate to bring solution by optimizing yielding and prolonging production lifespan to diminish deforestation and indiscriminate application of agrochemicals.

GroYield R&D has been working on developing therapeutic nutrition for oil palm tree. Multiple in-house effectivity tests have recorded the successful increase of palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) for approximately 30%.

Collaboration Partner

GroYield continuously seek for palm oil plantation as collaboration partner for the purpose of:

Field testing in the farm level for GroYield effectiveness optimization specifically for palm trees

Improvement on application method

To scale up results to the market level


Issue GroYield Solution
Deforestation activities to increase palm oil plantation business development Optimizing the production with GroYield nutrition. Extending the peak production period.
Pollution: Chemical fertilizers on soil cause pollution such as acid rain, groundwater contamination and ozone depletion Formula of GroYield contain just the right amount of nutrition specifically for the plants and it is applied directly to the tree but not the soil.
Wastage of chemical and organic fertilizers as up to 80% might be washed out
Disease such as ganoderma or basal stem rot (BSR) that effects the production of oil palm. Boosting the health and maintain the conditions of palm oil tree.

Harvesting & Oil Palm Yield

  1. Fully mature oil palms produce 18 to 30 metric tonnes of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) per hectare.
  2. The ripeness of FFB harvested is critical in maximising the quality and quantity of palm oil extracted.
  3. Harvested fruits must be processed within 24 hours to minimise the build-up of fatty acids.
  4. 130 trees in a hectare M’sia / 150 trees in a hectare Indonesia